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KeyBoard is still the most efficient way of inputting data in to the computer. But ,the Blind People who cannot recognize the keys in the key pad can sense through listening.So,the main aim of  this Project is to generate sound for the keys.
This can be done through ASCII characters which are 256 in number.Here,Providing sound to the Alpha numeric characters can be generated through the ASCII characters.

Existing System With Limitations:
The last decade has seen the triumph of the rich graphical desktop, replete with colourful icons, controls and buttons all around the screen, controlled by the mouse pointer moving about the screen clicking and dragging. This is not, on the face of it, a usable environment for blind people, but use it they must.
               The first is to use a screen reader. This is an application that attempts to describe to the blind user in speech what the graphical user interface is displaying.      
The goal of a screen reader is to make it appear to the user as if the current application was itself a talking application designed specifically for blind users. It also means that applications that utilize simple interface components like menus and text boxes will work best with screen readers.
The second way for a blind person to use a computer is to take advantage of self-voicing applications. These are usually applications written specifically for blind people that provide their output through synthesized or recorded speech. The obvious advantage is that the application designer can ensure that what is communicated to the user is exactly what the designer wants communicated - although this assumes that the designer's conception of what the user needs or wants to hear is correct!
Proposed System Features :

The important constraint on the use of computers by blind users is that they rely on hearing, rather than sight. Why is this such a problem? First, blind users are constrained into examining one thing at a time in an order not of their own making - they do not know the structure of things before they explore them. This is the problem with unfamiliar, rich, new interfaces. Second, blind users have to listen to a surprising amount of text to give them the same amount of information as a sighted user might be able to gain in a quick glance. Sighted users might be able to glance through a large document, scanning the chapter and paragraph headings for a key word or phrase, because they can see the headings instantly distinct from the body text and what words they contain. A blind user, even if they can jump from heading to heading, has to wait for the slower screen reader to speak the heading: setting it to read as fast as possible might seem more sensible now.

Requirement Specification
System Requirement Specifications
Hardware Requirements:
•        PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above
•        RAM 512MB and Above
•        HDD 40 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
Software Requirements:
•        WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003 Server)
•        Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition
•        Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS)
•        Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)   version 3.5                        

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition

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