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DC Motor speed control using PWM Technique using AT89S52 MCU


A pulse width modulator (PWM) is a device that may be used as an efficient DC motor speed controller or light dimmer. This project is a versatile device that can control DC devices which draw up to a few amps of current. The circuit may be used in either 12 or 24 Volt systems with only a few minor wiring changes. This device has been used to control the speed of the DC motor and to control brightness of an automotive tail lamp.
A PWM circuit works by making a square wave with a variable on-to-off ratio, the average on time may be varied from 0 to 100 percent. In this manner, a variable amount of power is transferred to the load. The main advantage of a PWM circuit over a resistive power controller is the efficiency, at a 50% level, the PWM will use about 50% of full power, almost all of which is transferred to the load, a resistive controller at 50% load power would consume about 71% of full power, 50% of the power goes to the load and the other 21% is wasted heating the series resistor.
One additional advantage of pulse width modulation is that the pulses reach the full supply voltage and will produce more torque in a motor by being able to overcome the internal motor resistances more easily. Two push-to-on switches are provided for increasing / decreasing the speed of the motor. Two more push-to-on switches are provided to rotate the motor in Clock wise / Counter clock wise direction. 16X2 LCD is connected to display the speed level of the motor and the direction. LED indication is also provided for visual indication.
A buzzer is provided for audio indication of DC motor speed variation and change in direction. Whenever the speed is increased / decreased, the system acknowledges by a short beep. This buzzer is driven by transistor driver circuit.

This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA & 12V, 500mA power supply. 7805 and 7812 three terminal voltage regulators are used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.

Block Diagram:


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