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Speech Recognition enabled smart home Automation for the blind and physically challenged

Technical specifications:

Title of the project                  :           Speech Recognition enabled smart home
                                                           Automation for the blind and physically challenged.
Domain                                   :           Embedded System Design
Software                                 :           C, Keil, Proload
Power Supply                          :           +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply
Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52
Speech Recognition Module   :           1
Applications                            :           Industries, Process Control
Crystal                                     :           11.0592MHz

Speech Recognition enabled smart home Automation for the blind and physically challenged.

In this present era everything is Automized right from home to industrial area. A home automation system integrates electrical devices in a house with each other, as this project better suit for the physically challenged people .In order to do the regular activities without having others help. The most common thing that they need to do are switching ON/ OFF the loads without much human involvement wherever they are required by using user defined voice commands to switch ON/OFF different electrical devices.
The theme of this project is to control different devices by giving voice commands. One such implementation is home Automation using speech Recognition. By giving different commands various appliances can be controlled automatically. If voice command is received successfully by corresponding device an acknowledge will be coming in the form of beep sound from buzzer. In this way activation of buzzer depends on the voice command received by particular device. The project is built around AT89S52 microcontroller .Voice Recognition module is interfaced with microcontroller to drive the load.

This project uses regulated 5V, 1A power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.



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