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Title of the project      : Unveiling the Potential of RFID-Enabled Intelligent Patient Management

Domain                                    :           Embedded Systems Design
Software                      :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload
Microcontroller                        :           AT89S52
Power Supply              :           +5V, 750mA Regulated Power Supply
Display                                    :           16 X 2 LCD
Crystal                         :           11.0592MHz

                             RFID is an acronym for Radio Frequency Identification. This project is a standalone for detecting the missing tags in RFID system using AT89S52 microcontroller. This project is useful in all applications where more than two tags are there. RFID is increasingly used with biometric technologies for security. Primarily, the two main components involved in a Radio Frequency Identification system are the Transponder (tags that are attached to the object) and the Interrogator (RFID reader). Communication between the RFID reader and tags occurs wirelessly and generally doesn’t require a line of sight between the devices.
                             RFID tags are categorized as either active or passive. This project uses passive tags. Read-only tags are typically passive and are programmed with a unique set of data (usually 32 to 128 bits) that cannot be modified. The reader has three main functions: energizing, demodulating and decoding. The antenna emits radio signals to activate the tag and to read and write data to it.
This Project helps the hospitals to maintain exact patient data and it can be easily recognized when ever the patient revisits the hospital. Here we are using AT89S52 controller as a control unit and 16x2 LCD is used to display the status. EEPROM is used to store the data.

                               This project uses regulated 5v, 750mA power supply. 7805, a three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer. The RFID module requires a separate +5v power supply.

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