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The Project Smart parking System using 89S52 Microcontroller is an interesting project which uses 89S52 microcontroller as its brain. The project Smart Parking system is designed to solve the problem of unnecessary time consuming in finding the parking spot in commercial car parking areas. This system is designed in such a way that the users book their parking spots with a short SMS.
In this project the user can send a message to book the parking spot in advance,  a GSM Modem placed at the parking end will receive the message get processed by the controller to get display on 16X2 LCD. The system is interfaced with RTC DS1307 to set the timings for preprogrammed time delays such as whether the user wants to park their vehicle. The user has to message the exact time and duration he/she wants to park the vehicle in parking spot.

Control switches are provided for entering the required timings.  LCD display is provided to display the alarm times and current time. DS1307 is interfaced to the microcontroller for real timing performance. A 3V battery can be connected to DS1307 to avoid time disturbances caused by power failures.

DS1307 has inbuilt flash EEPROM. Data stored remains in the memory even after power failure, as the memory ensures reading of the latest saved settings by the micro controller. It can retain data for more than ten years.

The SIM placed in the GSM modem will return a feedback message to the user whether the place is vacant or not .Once the user get confirmation message directly user can park the car at the given zone, and this is valid up to a certain grace period only after that the priority will be
given to next user. This type of smart parking system is very advanced and the user can save their valuable time in waiting for the space for the vehicle to get parked.

A prototype of a car park system has been designed to demonstrate the capability of the proposed work. The demonstration has proven the capability of the system to reserve the parking, gain entry to the parking area and hence eliminates the hassle of searching empty parking lots.

This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.

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