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Aim of the Project
                The goal of this project is to design a portal for managing the access to several databases on a grid through a single sign-on facility. The user, typically a scientist interested in computations that depends on data from several data sources, will access this database from a web browser. The system should use grid computing standards to fetch data from the different data sources.

The portal should be able to support multiple users, including an administrator, who can add or remove new data sources. Each user will have associated privileges that determine the set of data sources that are accessible to that user.
Data Grids are being built across the world as the next generation data handling systems to manage tera-bytes of inter organizational data and storage space. A data grid (datagrid) is a logical name space consisting of storage resources and digital entities that is created by the cooperation of autonomous organizations and its users based on the coordination of local and global policies. Data Grid Management Systems (DGMSs) provide services for the confluence of organizations and management of inter-organizational data and resources in the datagrid.
The objective of the portal is to provide an introduction to the opportunities and challenges of this emerging technology. Novices and experts would benefit from this portal.

The portal would cover introduction, use cases, design philosophies, architecture, research issues, existing technologies and demonstrations. Hands on sessions for the participants to use and feel the existing technologies could be provided based on the availability of internet connections.
Currently, Grid Computing is applied to solve distributed, large-scale, and collaborative problems in many domains such as: High Energy Physics, Bio-Informatics, Virtual Observation, Environmental Science, etc. Weather forecasting is also such a domain where Grid Computing's advantages would show the best.

System Requirement Specification: 

Hardware Requirements:

•           I2 Processor and Above
•           RAM 1GB and Above
•           HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
Software Requirements:

•           WINDOWS OS (XP service pack 2 /windows 2007 Server)
•           Visual Studio .Net 2008(according requirement)
•           Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
•           SQL Server 2008(according requirement) Enterprise Edition

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