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Distributed computing promises a standard, ‘complete’ set of grid computing capabilities. Distributed computing must provide basic functions such as resource discovery and information collection & publishing, data management on and between resources, process management on and between resources, common security mechanism underlying the above, process and session recording/accounting. Main advantage of Grid computing is, a network of distributed resources including computers, peripherals, switches, instruments, and data. Each user should have a single login account to access all resources. 
We start by analyzing the nature of Grid computing and its requirements for knowledge support; then, we discuss knowledge characteristics and the challenges for knowledge management on the Grid. Here we provide semantic based grid based applications for e-learning.

The project titled “DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING FOR E-LEARNING” is designed using Active Server Pages .NET with Microsoft Visual Studio.Net 2003 as front end and Microsoft SQL Server 2000 as back end  which works in .Net framework version 1.1. The coding language used is C#.Net.

This Project “Distributed Computing for e-learning” is aimed to develop online learning system. This project has 3 main modules. That is





The administrator logins to the application and enters the following details.

  1. View staff details
  2. View student details
  3. Change password
  4. Resource sharing,create folder
  5. Logout
·         Administrator can view all staff detail .In this form contains new staff registration.
·         Administrator can view all student detail and new student registration.
·         Administrator can also can the staff and student password
·         In this form contain the administrator can share and create a new folder
·         Administrator cans logout the page.

The student logins to the application and enters the following details.
1.      Search material
2.      view course
3.      view test result
4.      E-test
5.      Download material
·         The student can search a material and download a material
·         The student can view course details
·         The student can view the test result
·         The student attend the E-test
·         The student also download a material

The staff logins to the application and enters the following details.
1.      View student details
2.      upload material
3.      view course
4.      view material
5.      logout
·         The staff can view all student details.
·         The staff can upload a document for student purpose.
·         The staff can the view the course details
·         The staff can view the uploaded material.

Existing System
Knowledge management has six problems in knowledge life cycle. That is acquiring, modeling, retrieving, reusing, publishing, and maintaining knowledge. Grid are how to acquire, formally model, explicitly  represent, store, maintain, and update them, and  to use them to support seamless resource sharing and interoperability, so as to achieve a high degree of automation.
  Proposed System
We analyze the nature of Grid computing and identify its requirements for knowledge management. We further argue that an innovative and systematic approach to knowledge Management on the Grid is required in order to help achieve the goal of the Grid. Our contributions are three folds: First, we propose the Semantic Web-based approach to managing heterogeneous, distributed Grid resources for Grid applications. Second, we design architecture to realize the proposed approach and conceive a methodology which addresses the complete life cycle of knowledge management. Third, we apply the approach, concepts, and methodology to a real-world Grid application.
System Requirement Specification: 

Hardware Requirements:

•           I2 Processor and Above
•           RAM 1GB and Above
•           HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
Software Requirements:

•           WINDOWS OS (XP service pack 2 /windows 2007 Server)
•           Visual Studio .Net 2008(according requirement)
•           Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
•           SQL Server 2008(according requirement) Enterprise Edition

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