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Title of the project                  : Blind Person Navigation system using GPS & Voice announcement
Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Design
Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload
Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52
Power Supply                          :           +5V, 750mA Regulated Power Supply
Display                                    :           16x2 LCD Display
Crystal                                     :           11.0592MHz
Communication Device          :           GPS Module
Applications                            :           Automotives, Security, Transportation, Logistics etc

Helping Hands for the Blind was founded to address the concerns, and as a vital resource for the blind. Helping Hands for the Blind is an organization of blind people who want to help other blind people. It is a problem solving organization. It is a guide that blind people can turn to in times of need.  Helping a blind person through all the paperwork can literally be a life saver. Another important form of assistance is to provide a Mobility Instructor. When a blind person is new to an area, it is important that they be shown how to get around by a trained and knowledgeable instructor. There is a large and growing demand for this service. The project aims in designing a system which is capable of alerting the user if his destination is reached.
            GPS is the acronym for Global Positioning System. It is employed to find the position, velocity and time of user is located on the earth. This information is provided by the GPS receiver with the help of the data it receiver from satellites.
Microcontroller is the heart of the device. It stores the data of the current location which it receives from the GPS receiver, if control button is pressed. Whenever user arrives to the saved location it alerts through voice system present in the system. This device helps the blind people in their journey. It helps him to get the alerts regarding the arrival of his destination before few minutes.
            This device is designed to provide with a greater advantage producing voice based announcement for the user i.e. the user gets the voice which pronounces his destination location as and when it is about to reach the destination. Here instead of the alerting sound the user can directly hear the location recorded by the user itself.
This project uses regulated 5V, 500mA power supply. Unregulated 12V DC is used for relay. 7805 three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac out put of secondary of 230/12V step down transformer.


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