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Condo management
                          The project entitled “CONDO MANAGEMENT” gives information about the Customer information. We can store there Customer and Room Info. This project mainly consists of two modules. And we can store the details of the Customer. We maintain the details of the customer. Details of the Room of the Customer Details of the Transaction of the Customer
  1. Admin
  2. Customer
Existing System
In The Existing system we have to store the details of the Customer and Room in books.And for Customer and Room timings we have to store in books. For this Customer will modify the Name and Rent dates for his convenience.  So Customer didn’t get the right Rent dates.And these the entire manual work.
Proposed System
The proposed system is to automate the process of Rent and Room details and to store the information for those customers.
For this we proposed a system that when customer enters into our system then the system makes Room details and when he leaves system makes Room details.
In this system customer didn’t have option to modify his Rent details.
This project mainly consists of two modules.
(1)               Admin
(2)               Customer

Admin module.
1.      In this the Admin will create the Customer.
2.      He has the permission to delete the Customer.
3.      He can modify the details of the Customer.
4.      He is able to see the details and timings of the Employees in two ways
·         Individual Employee timings.
·         All the Employee timings.
Customer module.
1.      In this the Customer has only two options.
·         To enter into our system (When he enter Customer details will store).
·         When he Transaction details will store.
Customer didn’t have option to change his details.
System Requirement Specification: 

Hardware Requirements:

•           I2 Processor and Above
•           RAM 1GB and Above
•           HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above
Software Requirements:

•           WINDOWS OS (XP service pack 2 /windows 2007 Server)
•           Visual Studio .Net 2008(according requirement)
•           Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
•           SQL Server 2008(according requirement) Enterprise Edition

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